DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Understands and uses a variety of formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and support the development of the learner.  Candidate performance demonstrating the following capabilities informs this standard.

The ability to:

  1. Describe the purposes of assessment.
  2. Use a variety of formal and informal strategies to assess student outcomes.
  3. Match assessment strategies and instruments to Learning Results and program objectives.
  4. Use concepts of reliability, validity, and generalizability to design and improve high quality assessments.
  5. Employ a variety of assessment techniques to collect knowledge of learners, student learning progress, and program effectiveness.
  6. Use assessments and evaluation to modify teaching and learning strategies and for diagnostic purposes.
  7. Communicate responsibly and knowledgeably to students, parents, communities, and agencies about student achievement and program outcomes.
  8. Involve learners in self-assessment and goal setting for learning.
  9. Document learning using a variety of methods such as portfolios, school records, and other long-term indices of the multiple abilities of students.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Artifacts: Brunswick High School 


1. Describe the purposes of assessment.


Brunswick High school: Light Project

I made a slide show to introduce project to students with a video.  


Light Sculpture Slide Show.tiff

Light Sculpture Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiT1ucOgSgs


2. Use a variety of formal and informal strategies to assess student outcomes.


Brunswick High school: Light Project

Grading Assignment .pdf


5. Employ a variety of assessment techniques to collect knowledge of learners, student learning progress, and program effectiveness.


Brunswick High school: Light Project

Light Sculpture Assesment.pdf


3-D Media Dialog- Critique.pdf


Light Sculpture Critique .pdf




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.