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Objective Color Scheme: A color scheme based upon the observation of natural colors or upon the relationship of colors on the color wheel. For example, grass is green and the sky is blue ... or blue and orange are complementaries; if I use 1/3 pure orange to 2/3 pure blue in a complementary color scheme, the colors will harmonize.


Subjective Color Scheme: A color scheme based upon an individual's inner sense of color harmony and expression. For example, a human face could be painted violet or green. 


Goal: The goal of this assignment is to create two subjective color compositions that express your color aesthetic (colors that you are drawn to and find appealling). 




(1) The first composition is geometric using a grid as the underlying structure. The format is 4.5 x 5.5 divided into 1/2 modules. 


(2) The second composition is painterly. The edges of the color shapes do not have to be defined. Colors should be allowed to flow freely sometimes bleeding into one another. The colors and format are the same as in the first composition, but without the grid. 


The colors may be modified in value and intensity. Remember that color arrangements are not only about hue or color selection, but are also about the distribution of light and dark, dull and intense areas across the picture plane. Color proportions and directional passages also come into play. 



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