DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Materials needed: 

12 sheets of newsprint and 2 sheets of recycled drawing paper; start with recycled paper and sandwich the newsprint between the recycled paper. 

Big graphite stick



No erasers!


Review blind contour. What is it? 

Read from Nicolaides - Contour

Model takes sitting pose. 

1 blind contour = 20 minutes




Introduce gesture drawing.

Read from Nicolaides - Gesture 

brainstorm on gesture poses - write 20 or so on white board

24 1 minute gesture drawings (model turns 1/4 turn to repeat pose 4 x) = 30-40 minutes/when finished take paper off board and let fall to floor - boards should be in horizontal position. 



1 contour = rest of drawing time - if time (model leaves at 3:15)



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.